Thomas William ("Tom") Snyder passed away in San Antonio, Texas. The year of death is approximate, based on the information provided below by one of Tom's friends, Ted Wood, Mac Class of 1970.
Tom Snyder died about 3 years ago in San Antonio. He was living with his mother at the time of his death. He died from a head injury. He tried to kill himself in the early 80's and never really recovered from severe brain injury/trauma. He had a terrible crush on Marcia Izaguirre while at Mac. I was interested to see her profile at this website. He was a dear friend from Northwood days. I visited him at the State Hospital on numerous occasions. He was a very sweet person who suffered terribly from Schizophrenia. He was a huge Hendrix fan, so with gusto I say to Tom "I'll meet you in the next world."
In the 8th grade I went on a crime spree with "Little" Tommy Snyder and David Straus. Our criminal association lasted a few months until Vice Principal Curtis Drawhorn broke up the "Ring" with blistering "licks" and threatening phone calls to parents. The end result was that I was remanded to the custody of Tony Degges which was supposed to straighten me out. At any rate I gleefully enjoyed Tommy's company at the age of 13. While Dave Straus was the "Dean Martin" of our terrible trio, Tommy was a completely different "cat". I remember he often wore a paisley vest and with his wavy brown locks he looked liked a card carrying member of The Kinks rock band. He had a grin like a cheshire cat and would often break into impromtu impersonations to mock the object of his humor. Notoriously eccentric, he was a mischievious, fun-loving rogue in the tradition of Batman's nemesis, "The Joker". I can see where the "real world" would have been daunting for Tommy. May he rest in peace.
Tommy punched me darn good square in the nose over at the crosswalk across from Garner - I'm sure I had it comin - and I dont think I was much of a tough after that. I still recall seeing Saturn and stars and whirly things like in cartoons. I moved over into the make love, not war camp eventually - and he sure gave me a nudge in that direction as I learned that sometimes small packages pack a'plenty wallop.. I couldnt tell you what went on, what started the fray - and I remember we were always perty good friends in school. CS
Happened to take a look this morning to read that Tom Snyder had died. Tom was a sweet creative soul. I am sad to hear he suffered a head injury that claimed his life. I blushed when I read Ted Wood's post mentioning Tom had had a crush on me during our Mac days, what tender moments! i still remember the beautiful painting he did for me and brought to SWTSU! I wish I had been able to say goodbye to Tom, may he be in peace!
It seems like we all grew up togethetr, I posted a picture of a Little League Baseball team a while back. Ifr you look closely you would see Tom was on that team. I remember Tom as a person with a heart of gold, and a wonderful person. Seems like the good die too soon, and my heart goes out to one with such a troubled life, that they would try to end it so young. He will be missed, for I am sure he touched everyone he came in contact with.
Ted Wood
Tom Snyder died about 3 years ago in San Antonio. He was living with his mother at the time of his death. He died from a head injury. He tried to kill himself in the early 80's and never really recovered from severe brain injury/trauma. He had a terrible crush on Marcia Izaguirre while at Mac. I was interested to see her profile at this website. He was a dear friend from Northwood days. I visited him at the State Hospital on numerous occasions. He was a very sweet person who suffered terribly from Schizophrenia. He was a huge Hendrix fan, so with gusto I say to Tom "I'll meet you in the next world."(from an email written by Ted Wood, 2006)
Roger Barnes
In the 8th grade I went on a crime spree with "Little" Tommy Snyder and David Straus. Our criminal association lasted a few months until Vice Principal Curtis Drawhorn broke up the "Ring" with blistering "licks" and threatening phone calls to parents. The end result was that I was remanded to the custody of Tony Degges which was supposed to straighten me out. At any rate I gleefully enjoyed Tommy's company at the age of 13. While Dave Straus was the "Dean Martin" of our terrible trio, Tommy was a completely different "cat". I remember he often wore a paisley vest and with his wavy brown locks he looked liked a card carrying member of The Kinks rock band. He had a grin like a cheshire cat and would often break into impromtu impersonations to mock the object of his humor. Notoriously eccentric, he was a mischievious, fun-loving rogue in the tradition of Batman's nemesis, "The Joker". I can see where the "real world" would have been daunting for Tommy. May he rest in peace.Chester Slimp
Tommy punched me darn good square in the nose over at the crosswalk across from Garner - I'm sure I had it comin - and I dont think I was much of a tough after that. I still recall seeing Saturn and stars and whirly things like in cartoons. I moved over into the make love, not war camp eventually - and he sure gave me a nudge in that direction as I learned that sometimes small packages pack a'plenty wallop.. I couldnt tell you what went on, what started the fray - and I remember we were always perty good friends in school. CS
Marcia Izaguirre
Happened to take a look this morning to read that Tom Snyder had died. Tom was a sweet creative soul. I am sad to hear he suffered a head injury that claimed his life. I blushed when I read Ted Wood's post mentioning Tom had had a crush on me during our Mac days, what tender moments! i still remember the beautiful painting he did for me and brought to SWTSU! I wish I had been able to say goodbye to Tom, may he be in peace!
Roy Ison
It seems like we all grew up togethetr, I posted a picture of a Little League Baseball team a while back. Ifr you look closely you would see Tom was on that team. I remember Tom as a person with a heart of gold, and a wonderful person. Seems like the good die too soon, and my heart goes out to one with such a troubled life, that they would try to end it so young. He will be missed, for I am sure he touched everyone he came in contact with.