55th Year Reunion

Event Details

We will have our usual two-event weekend:

The Friday night event will be held October 25, 2024 at La Hacienda de los Barrios (off Loop 1604), 18747 Redland Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78259, from 5 pm — 10 pm. Light hors’deouvres  will be provided and buy your own beverages. THIS IS A FREE EVENT EXCEPT FOR BEVERAGES OF YOUR CHOICE.

The Saturday night event will be held October 26, 2024 at the Crown Plaza Hotel (between Broadway and Nacogdoches), 1111 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78209 from 6 pm — 11 pm. A full buffet will be provided and a cash bar will be available.

The cost for the Saturday night event will be $55.00 per person if paying by check, cash or Zelle.   Credit card registrations will be $59.00 and must be paid in advance - not at the door.

If you are paying via Zelle please choose paying by check and then send your Zelle payment to:  khplawyer@earthlink.net