We do not have Steve's full name. However, this information from the Social Security Death Records may concern him, as the birth year would be right for our class: IVANOSKI, STEVEN J Dec 09, 1950 Jul 19, 1995 Last residence: 94952 (Petaluma, Sonoma, CA). (However, see the link provided below to a grave marker for Steven "Ivan" Ivanoski whose DOB and DOD match those above). https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/125238248/carol-ann-ivanoski/photo#view-photo=96681678
Christine (Chris) Leas (Ott)
I remember Steve as a very sweet, and funny classmate. He was always cracking me up in class, but behind the humor was a deep loneliness and sadness. Like many of us, his home life was very rough. I ran into him several years after graduation and he said he left home and was hitch hiking around the country, making money any way he could. It was a different time in the 70's. I hope he finally found peace and happiness.