Denise Ann Contreras Serafini passed away on September 8, 2004 in San Antonio, Texas. Here is her obituary:
Denise Ann Serafini passed away on September 8, 2004 at the age of 53. Born and raised in San Antonio, she was a resident of Fair Oaks Ranch. Following a 15-year career at USAA Insurance, she graduated from San Antonio College with an Associates Degree in Art, and then graduated from Corpus Christi State University with a BFA. She was a lifelong patron and artist, and an advocate of children's art, music and literacy. She was involved with the San Antonio Symphony League, several arts leagues, received the volunteer of the year award from the United Way and was the National Spam Queen. She is survived by her husband, Charles; mother, Manuela Contreras and brother, Andrew Contreras. SERVICES Visitation will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2004 from 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. with a Rosary recited at 7:00 P.M. at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North. The Mass will be on Friday, September 10, 2004 at 3:00 P.M. at San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church. Interment will follow at Mission Burial Park North. Mission Park Funeral Chapels North.
Additionally, here is an interesting article featuring Denise (the "Austin" mentioned in the article is Austin, Minnesota):

Kenneth H. ("Ken") Pearce
I met Denise when we were 5th graders at Oak Grove Elementary and we were classmates through Garner and Mac. In the 5th and 6th grades (and maybe for one or two more years), around Christmas time, she would invite some classmates to go caroling in the neighborhood and then back to her house for refreshments. I have vivid memories of that activity.Briana (Melissa) Valone
Denise and I were friends for many of our school years. I always loved her bedroom. It was painted purple, my favorite color. Her mom made homemade tamales and Mexican hot chocolate every Christmas as our reward for caroling in the neighborhood. I never turned down an invitation to this special celebration and looked forward to it every year. Denise was a gentle soul.Martha Cardenas (Jacques)
Denise was my best friend in 5th and 6th grade. We were inseparable - literally Mutt and Jeff - she was the tallest girl in our class and I was the shortest. Her dad worked in a laboratory and helped me with a science project with real petri dishes - I thought that was soooo cool. We spent the night with each other almost every other weekend. I remember her as so gentle and kind. Denise definitely has a place in heaven.Nancy Fletcher (Hopper)
Denise, what a sweet person. My memory of her is a lasting one, as she had invited me to play baseball in her front yard. There were only 3 of us, and she began the game as pitcher. I said, 'hey I'll be catcher!" and then the 3rd gal stepped up to the hand made home plate. We were 10 years old and I had a bad home perm & needed all the exercise I could get. As the batter took a swing at the 1st ball, she also released the bat.. and it flew back towards me and hit me right in the mouth.I remember Denise racing into the home as her mom was preparing us another Mexican dinner..which I had been looking forward to all day. As I laid in her front yard w/my hands cupped over my mouth, Denise brought me a towel & walked me into her home. I called my Dad. Only living a few blocks from her home said as best I could, "Daddy I got hit in the mouth with a baseball bat." Taking his time to drive over to pick me up, thinking it was a minor injury, he drove up. I was on the front steps of Denise's home with her whole family on the porch. He walked up and in shock said, "a baseball did THAT??!!" & I said, 'no a baseball bat." I was at Denise's home when that happened and for every reunion she attended we laughed and talked about that horrible day for both of us..she was a sweet friend and I was saddened by her passing. much love Denise & thanks for the memory, it has been a quite famous story in my life.
Kenneth H. ("Ken") Pearce
I am posting this for Jane Crane:I met Denise in a Business Law class at SAC in the early 80's. We became friends instantly. We used to talk about the future and what we would like to do. Sometimes we would spend an entire Saturday watching old movies and snacking. Other times we would meet somewhere for lunch. I loved Denise very much. On my 25th birthday she gave me a coffee cup with gray elephants carrying bright pink balloons. I still have the cup and it is very special because Denise gave it to me so long ago. We shared some wonderful memories. She was always at my side when I was going through difficult times. My wedding was extra special because she and Charles attended. Unfortunately, we lost track of each other when I moved away from San Antonio. When my husband and I moved back to SA and I got in touch with Denise. Our friendship was still strong but to my regret, my busy life got in the way and I did not get to spend much time with her. I think of Denise often even though she is gone, she will always be in my heart. I love you D, miss you terribly. Save me a spot at the best tea party venue that you have probably already found. Someday we'll meet again.
Jane Crane