Beulah Elizabeth (Beth) Childress joined her Heavenly Father on October 6, 2005, after a brief battle with cancer. Beth was born in Montebello, California on January 11, 1951. She moved with her family to San Antonio in 1962, and she graduated from MacArthur High School in 1969. After graduating from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in 1973, she began her teaching career in 1974 at Edgewood I.S.D., where she remained until her death. She taught various grades at both Perales and Gonzalez Elementary Schools. She was preceded in death by her parents, Hardy and Beulah Childress, and her sister, Donna Childress. She is survived by her sister, Carol Chelkowski, and niece, Caren Chelkowski. Visitation will be Friday, October 7, 2005 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.; and a funeral service will be held Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., both at Colonial Funeral Home, 625 Kitty Hawk, Universal City, Texas, (210) 658-7037. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to the Beth Childress Scholarship at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 900 College Street, UMHB Station, Box 8433, Belton, Texas 76513.
Published in the Express-News on 10/7/2005
Mary Cole
I'm sorry to hear of Beth's passing. She was a sweet and determined girl--never the coolest in the class, but one of the most real and most helpful.Gail Zars
I always really liked Beth. What wasn't to like, right? Grounded. I spoke with her quite a while at the '04 reunion. She was dating a significantly younger guy & having a blast. I was impressed. She was pretty happy. You can't judge a book by its cover.Cindy Haslett (Montanio/Ward)
I used to run into Beth at the Farmers Daughter when my brothers played there. She was always on the dance floor!! Full of life ! I am glad she had a fun life! Everyone should be as happy !!!!!Nancy Fletcher (Hopper)
Beth & I grew up in the same neighborhood. She and I shared a best friend, Lynn Kret. An adorable, tan, hottie! Beth & Lynn had baby sisters that were also best friends. Tragic struck when both of their sisters were killed in a car accident in S. A. when they were just 16 years old. Beth, was a sweet girl, and had a great laugh! We all walked the streets of that neighborhood, sat on the corners & talked about 'girls stuff.' She had a loving family, and her friends were loyal. She loved her church & I know I'll see Beth someday. Last reunion we had a great visit together on some memories we shared..when you could walk the neighborhood, sit on a street corner....Jennifer Wood (Smith)
Beth was a "one-of-a-kind" friend who was full of laughter, love & adventure. Nancy is right about that fearless & free life we shared in THE neighborhood of all times! We laughed, gossiped about 'those' girls, cried over broken hearts from 'those' boys, REALLY grew up together in 'those' empty new houses being built--Beth was our big Mama as she said, teaching us the way to be real women. It took her forever to teach Nancy & I how to smoke that like one of 'those' gals. (I can only share that secret since my precious superintendant Dad died 33 years ago; it feels so good to get that off my chest!) Life was so much simpler then. THOSE WERE THE GOOD OL' DAYS -right guys? It's beautiful to know that Beth & Daddy are keeping those streets shined for all of us to join them someday. I LOVED my "Big Mama." What a blessing. Jennifer [JenniSu] (Wood) Smith.
Lynn Cather (Poer)
Beth was one of the classmates that I loved to see at the reunions as she was always greeting classmates and saying goodbye as if she was the hostess of the party. I loved catching up on the Mac days days with Beth. Hearing of her passing was such sad news. I will miss her and think of her fondly. Lynn