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Texas (Tech) Football

Created on: 12/30/09 11:16 PM Views: 2594 Replies: 2
Texas (Tech) Football
Posted Wednesday, December 30, 2009 06:16 PM

I wrote the following Letter to the Editor of the San Antonio Express-News just before Texas Tech Coach Mike Leach was canned.  Although I did not play football in Texas, I did play a much less masochistic sport, Baseball, and got a very small dose of what my Football brothers experienced from the likes of Vernon McManus.  It's with you guys in mind that I run into this buzz saw.

Re: SA Express-News article "Leach Puts Faith in Hands of Court" 30 Dec 09

"Somewhere "Bear" Bryant is rolling over in his grave at the treatment of Texas Tech's Head Football Coach Mike Leach.  I imagine that any one of the "Junction Boys" would have sold their soul to "stand in a small, dark place while the team practiced" rather than endure the Texas summer sun and Coach Bryant's drills from hell that infamous year.  Texas football is not for sissies.  Never was and never will be.  If you gotta call Daddy and blame the coach when the going gets tough then go out for golf. "
Roger Barnes

Roger Barnes

RE: Texas (Tech) Football
Posted Monday, January 4, 2010 08:53 PM

 love it, love it, love it! Go Roger! Kennedy

RE: Texas (Tech) Football
Posted Saturday, January 9, 2010 06:24 PM


Tell it like it is Roger.  Leach was so sadistic to have the poor player sit in a cool area in the dark to help him with his concussion.  Bobby Jack and Vernon only liked to be nice to the players and were so understanding.  Vernon let a freshman player play Bull in the ring and called jersey numbers as he was on the ground to help him sustain broken ribs.  Sports Writer Dan Cook was amazed to this wonderful treatment.  Then Bobby Jack helped players clear out their throat wind pipes.  The adams apple could be pulled out at any time.  That was real special.  I remember during summer camp climbing the rope barely making it to the top and Vernon grabbed the rope and swung it around and I slid down blistering my hands and then my huevos got smushed on the ropes bottom knot.  Such wonderful memories I will never forget.  There is much more but out of screen room.

Paul Schaffer

Edited 01/09/10 08:23 PM