Brahma Tales


Forum: General Discussion [STICKY]



Created on: 10/03/09 09:49 AM Views: 3356 Replies: 10
2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Saturday, October 3, 2009 04:49 AM

To assist in planning the next reunion, we would like to have your comments, so please post your thoughts on anything and everything relating to the 2009 reunion: venues, events, date/time, food, cost, etc. If you don't feel comfortable posting your comments on the website, you can send them directly to Gary CaswellBarb MarulloBob Records or Ken Pearce.

Edited 10/03/09 04:51 AM
RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Saturday, October 3, 2009 06:55 AM

Kenneth H. ("Ken") Pearce wrote:

To assist in planning the next reunion, we would like to have your comments, so please post your thoughts on anything and everything relating to the 2009 reunion: venues, events, date/time, food, cost, etc. If you don't feel comfortable posting your comments on the website, you can send them directly to Gary CaswellBarb MarulloBob Records or Ken Pearce.

all I got to say is all of you did a wonderful job and my wife is jealous because her class of 67 at RobertE. Lee never did anything like this

RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Saturday, October 3, 2009 10:34 AM

Thanks for all the effort it took to put the reunion together.  Last night was very nice.  I had the opportunity to reacquaint myself with several old friends, one of whom has become part of my in law once removed; Dave Boerner's sister married my youngest brother.

Since my husband is in the military in Kansas and could not make the trip to San Antonio, I had the pleasure of being accompanied to the reunion by my other brother.  It was a real treat to spend the time with him.  He graduated from Mac in 1972 and knew several of our classmates younger brothers/sisters. 

I do have one suggestion.  Add the names to the yearbook photos on the slide show.


Thanks again.



RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Sunday, October 4, 2009 10:47 AM

Here it is ...the morning after and we already have the "reunion blues".  It's always great to see old friends... the only downside is walking out the door knowing you won't see most of them again for another 5 years.  Glen Perkins and I talked about that a little he had other friends but none that went as "deep" as the friends he grew up with....something that is hard to put in words for us manly Texas boys.  Anyway...putting that sentimental stuff aside, I just want to commend the entire reunion committee for all their hard work in making it happen for us.  Like TR said," it's not the critic that counts but the man (or woman) in the arena" I have nothing but prasie for their efforts and the end result.  A special thanks to Ken for his dedication and for his thoughtfulness in recognizing Debby and I on our marriage. ....and for the Birthday card.  Just incredible.

On the social side....I want to thank everyone who offered kind comments about my musings on the website.  It's all been just for fun and if it helped some folks recall some old times then it's been worth it.  However, I think I have just about used up all my brain cells for those we need some other brahmas to share their stories before we all start getting dementia.

On a personal note it was great to see my old partner in crime David Straus for the first time since 10th grade....he's been AWOL for too long.  And a special thanks to Bren Sideras for the "hair transplant cap" and B-Day card.  Bren and I have a beef with our old buddy Court Theilman for going AWOL once again...and after Bren bought him some hair too! 

I do regret that I was unable to actually get around and speak to everyone...too many classmates and too little time.  I thoroughly enjoyed talking to the folks that I was able to corner for a few minutes.

Debby and I hung out at the Quarry Golf Course Restaurant to the very end...not wanting to leave.  As I was walking out the door I was talking to Bobby (Motown) Records and made an amazing discovery.  From 1978 to 1981 we had actually been stationed at the same small Air Base in Germany at the very same time,  but somehow did not cross paths in 3 years together there.  Since this base was like a small  frontier outpost it blew both our minds.  But then again...Bobby was flying F-4 Phantom jets and swilling German wine and I was tethered outside the office of the Wing Commander doing all his staff work so he could fly and party down with Bobby.  How does stuff like this happen?  Only The Shadow knows.

Adios till next time my friends........

Roger Barnes

Edited 10/04/09 11:02 PM
RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Monday, October 5, 2009 03:25 PM




    Can't say it no better than that!  I believe most of us feel the same.  I had a great time at the re-union and it was special seeing everybody and sharing the old days and the new.


Paul    (did Tom Snider age any or was he a clone, he still looked the same.  LOL)  


Paul Schaffer

RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Monday, October 5, 2009 06:10 PM


One other thing to note

The real reason, Jim Briscoe did not attend.  I called Jim before the re-union and told him to make sure and be there.  I told him I was bringing an old wooden 2x4 with a rusty nail in it.  He sounded visibly shaken by this.  Big Jim wimped out and did not show up.  Also, Jimmy Scwind finally decided to retaliate during the re-union and would not give me his draft beer.  I told him "You better or else", next thing I know he picks me up and throws me out of the Quarry.  I insist that some classmates be tested for steroids before the next 5 yr re-union or I will file a protest to the inter re-union committe.  I will be working out and getting in shape for the next get-together.  We need to implement a one on board run out back of the banquet but Gary Mccaffery can not enter.  No pros allowed.  Also, no one will be allowed to wear their hair caps as that is illegal.  Just wanted to clear the air and tell you the real truth to why Jim didn't show up.


Paul Schaffer

RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009 05:00 AM

 I was thinking the same thing about Snider.  How does he manage to look the same as he did in '69?  

You guys are great.  All of you.  We DO have an amazingly special class and I am always surprised at the affection I see among us.  And, the affection I see between the guys.  It's heart-warming ... and, well ... a little weird.  

Seriously, I had a blast, love my class, and look forward to more get togethers before the next reunion.  Heard folks talking about getting together with SA folks once in a while and Kennedy and I plan to make some happy hours happen with the Dallas Macsters.  Also, I'd love to see this web site stay alive even though this 'union is over.

Love to all who came out once again.


RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009 05:33 AM

What a wonderful reunion! I had not been to a reunion since the 25th. So, it was a great time for me to reconnect with many of you. Thanks for your kindness and warm welcome! You all are a great group of people!

Both Friday and Saturday nights were well planned and fun! I thank the committee for all their hard work. In addition, the website has proved to be a very important part of our continuing friendships which is what reunions are all about. THANKS!

Take care everyone!

Carolyn Kilian Keys


RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Tuesday, October 6, 2009 07:42 AM

It's been twenty years since I saw any of you and I probably wouldn't have made this reunion either except for the efforts of a really dedicated reunion committee, the continuing encouragement of Ken, a truly addictive web page, and the wonderful writings of Roger.  All of you who put this together are the very best.  I have to say this turned a difficult trip to San Antonio to attend to surgeries for my very ill parents into an unforgettably enjoyable weekend.  Thank you each and every one of you who put this all together and those who I had the pleasure of visiting with Friday and Saturday to not only talk about old memories, but also all the impressive things that the members of this class are doing today.  It's hard to drag me out of my beloved islands, but in this case, I'll be watching for at least the 50th, if not sooner.

Dave Boerner

RE: 2009 Reunion Comments
Posted Sunday, October 18, 2009 08:45 AM

Wow! What a great reunion. Having planned a few flight attendant reunions I know how much work is involved. Would like to thank everyone involved for all their planning and dedication to our class.

The web site is great, I think. I have so much trouble with the computer (just not karma with machines) but I try to make use of it. I am delighted when I get somewhere and actually pulled upt the pictures of the reunion.

Also want to say thanks for all the generous members of our class who donated money to make this reunion a success and ensure a bank balance for the future. We DO HAVE THE BEST CLASS MAC GRADUATED!!!! Charlene Adcock