Brahma Tales


Forum: General Discussion


Reunion video?

Created on: 05/26/09 11:52 AM Views: 2752 Replies: 5
Reunion video?
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 06:52 AM

     We are trying to decide on whether there is enough interest to warrant a reunion video. If so, we are looking for recommendations on videographers in the SA area. Put your $.02 worth in here.


RE: Reunion video?
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 07:57 AM

My question is--if we don't have enough money for a DJ--then, why would we have enough for a videographer? My choice would be for music rather than a video. I know we had a guy doing a video at one of the reunions at Los Patios --maybe our 25th. I never saw it.


RE: Reunion video?
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 08:57 AM

I don't think we should have a paid professional either. We will have plenty of photos and video from which to make keepsakes taken by classmates or their (bored) spouses.

RE: Reunion video?
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 08:57 AM


I vote two thumbs down to this idea.  It's intrusive, expensive and distracting.  Anyone wanting to videograph the reunion should bring a camera.  They're cheap and they capture only those moments the end user is interested in.  

'Why should I be interested in the 'popular' crowd when all I did was mill along the hallways?' -- is my logic.  

Of course, on the other hand, MY story is very interesting and I'm sure everyone wants to be like Mike-- so maybe it's not such a bad idea after all.  There's not a booger in my nose, is there?

"Let's see now-- where were we?  Oh, I remember!  It was down at the fieldhouse.....zzzzzzzz....."
RE: Reunion video?
Posted Tuesday, May 26, 2009 05:01 PM


Mike...I copy.  I had a mouth chock full of braces and a face peppered with zits and I was not much of a jock....and there wern't alot of folks scrambling to take me "IN" either.  But hey....we survived....and now your launching Air Force Frigging One!!!!.........let's see some SOB match that!

P.S. I agree with the previous classmates re the video.  Anything we can do to keep the price down might encourage greater participation .....or so I have heard.



Roger Barnes

RE: Reunion video?
Posted Monday, June 8, 2009 08:29 PM

